L2P 2.0
Join NEXMAP and Educator Innovator for the three-part, back-to-school webinar series, "Literacy, Craft and Civic Engagement – A Paper Circuitry Project for L2P 2.0,” that explores how young people can use paper circuitry to develop their writing, voice their opinions and showcase creative expression. Using a series of design exercises that introduce strategies for organizing information, gathering feedback, refining and developing ideas we're helping educators and young people explore possibilities for student voice and civic engagement.
Check out the hashtag #2nextprez to see some of the activity going on around the country, and visit Letters 2 President to get involved.
Live Webinars
This series of webinars features teacher leaders from California, Texas and Ohio and addresses the many ways paper and electronics support multiple literacies and creative learning. The first session, Part I, on 8/18, introduces sample projects from contributors Kate Hodges, Molly Adams and Anna Marie Warren. The second session, Part II on 8/25, digs into practical implementation strategies for working with students and sharing the approach and practices with colleagues. The third and final webinar on 9/8 will feature Jeannine Huffman and highlight opportunities for more complex paper circuitry projects using the ATtiny85 microcontroller.
Schedule (all times 4 PM Pacific)
- August 18, 2016 Part I : Literacy, Craft, and Civic Engagement -- A Paper Circuitry Project for Letters to the Next President with Storify from Ed Innovator
- August 25, 2016 Part II :Using Paper and Electronics to Support Multiple Literacies and Creative Learning, with Storify from Ed Innovator
- September 8, 2016 Part III: Using the ATtiny85 for Intermediate Paper Circuitry Projects
Molly Adams (@finchgirl10), and Anna Marie (@annamariewarre1), Waxhachie, Texas Independent School District
Jeannine Huffman (@HuffmanJeannine), Teachers College of San Joaquin, Stockton, CA and Kate Hodges (@_Katehodges), Oak Hills Local School District, Cincinnati, OH
Jeannine’s Weebly
Kate’s blog, L2P resource and lesson plan
Resources & Supplies
We've created a set of creative process worksheets to accompany the L2P program. Use these 11x17 PDFs to explore ideas and draft a "letter" (a formal piece of writing or a step of steps or outline for your own final product) that comments on important ideas in this election cycle.
Explore ideas with design prompts
Design a circuit that illuminates your thinking
Collaborate with peers, get feedback and share ideas
Select the worksheets individually on the Educator Resources Page
We'd like to thank Jie Qi and Chibitronics, Educator Innovator, the National Writing Project and KQED for their collaboration and support.